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Journey Diaries

Bail Airport Tips

In August 2023,

I had a brief transit in Bali, lasting only half a day.
My initial plan was to explore downtown and enjoy lunch, but the burden of a heavy suitcase made it impractical to carry it throughout my excursion. 


A quick search led me to a convenient solution. Here's what I discovered:

Luggage Storage at Bali Airport:
- At Airport, take the elevator to the departure floor.
- To gain entry, pass through a baggage x-ray at the entrance. (Don't worry; this is a routine procedure.)
- Turn away from the glass door you entered through and walk left.
- Look ahead, and you'll find several small glass booths against the wall of the building. Head to the yellow one among them.
- If you spot an area with numerous bags piled up, you've found the luggage storage spot.

While there is a fee for this service, it was reasonable, just a few dollars for a half-day.

I paid in cash using rupiah, but cards were also accepted.

Retrieve your belongings with ease by taking the elevator again and exiting unencumbered. Notably, there's no luggage check when leaving.

For tips on saving on taxi fares and walking from Bali Airport to the city, please refer to my another post.

2023.12.10 - [공항에서 Airports in the world] - How to Walk Out from Bali International Airport


How to Walk Out from Bali International Airport

How to Walk Out from Bali International Airport During a recent layover in Bali, I found myself needing to stay for just one night before my next flight. I quickly realized that the cost of a taxi for a mere 15 minute walk from the airport were quite expen


